Execute Tasks Automatically on Opening or Closing a Workspace

PolyWorks Inspector™ Tip

Are there operations you perform every time you open or close a particular workspace, like launching a specific module, setting options, or loading an optimised configuration? If so, you can use a PolyWorks auto-run macro to perform those tasks automatically, speeding up this part of your process and ensuring consistency.

Step by step: To make a macro automatically run on opening or closing a workspace:

  1. Create a macro to perform the desired tasks using the PolyWorks Metrology Suite - Workspace Manager’s Macro Script Editor.
  2. Save the macro file in the \macro\polyWorks subfolder of the workspace’s WorkspaceName_Files folder.
  3. Name it Autorun.WorkspaceOpen or Autorun.WorkspaceClose, depending on when you want the macro to be run.
EExecute Tasks Automatically on Opening or Closing a Workspace