PolyWorks® for New Users

PolyWorks 101: Getting to Grips with PolyWorks® Software

Starting out on any new adventure is always a little overwhelming. So to help facilitate a smooth transition, we've pulled together a few resources which will get you acquainted with your new software as quickly as possible, so you can get going and do what you do best.

The Fundamentals

Before you start working in PolyWorks, it's a good idea to take a few minutes to set yourself up properly. The following videos will help you get going successfully, so you can build a more connected, collaborative and productive team!

Get Started

Installing your software is straighforward when following the below step-by-step tutorials. Simply select the video relevant to your license type and away you go.

For node locked licenses

For the floating licenses

Back to Basics:

Get to grips with the basics of PolyWorks by following this essentials guide detailing how to complete a basic inspection workflow in PolyWorks Inspector. From importing your CAD model and creating basic measurements, to generating a deviation colour map and compiling a simple report, this video shows you everything you need to know, fast.

Finally, to complete your PolyWorks 101, learn how to move a device position using probing targets.

For more step-by-step videos and handy guides, check out our Tips & Tricks page here.